Hi there,

I’m a newby here so forgive if I ask obvious questions.

I’m trying to setup, wel actually I did setup FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.2 on a Linux Debian machine and it is working fine :)
But I need to achieve the following setup:

We have # cisco routers and switches who are locally managed by on site engineers. So these local engineers have to be able to log in to their devices and not be allowed to log in to devices on other sites. Next to these different site engineers there is a group called NOC. The NOC engineers need to access all devices on all sites.

I’ve tried several setups by using the huntgroups and using system as authentication method but I can't get the huntgroup validation to work. It looks like the huntgroups are just ignored. Everyone can just enter any device as soon as their usrname and password is matched on the system.

Did someone do a similar setup where users where restricted and with a general group that needs access everywhere or can someone tell me how I should take this on. It should be fairly easy I thought…

Thanks for your help, it is highly appreciated,


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