Bruno Quintas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What changes should i do in the server to change the current setup 
> Based on the documents eap.conf:
>    default_eap_type = ttls in eap section
>    comment tls and uncomment ttls?

  The howto's say that you need TLS to do TTLS.

  After that, setting "default_eap_type = ttls" helps, but it's not
strictly necessary.

> The purpose of using ttls is to eliminate the need for client 
> certificates.  I have read in several articles (which considered this to 
> be the main advantage over eap-tls), but all the howtos i've seen - 
> including secure2w ttls client assume the existence of client certificates.

  TTLS can use client certificates, but it doesn't require them.

  Alan DeKok.
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