
Im using FreeRadius (1.0.2, 1.0.3) for proxying only. My proxy.conf:
realm LOCAL {                   
        type            = radius
        authhost        = LOCAL 
        accthost        = LOCAL 

realm NULL {                                
        type            = radius            
        authhost        =
        accthost        =
        secret          = key1

realm provider.com {                          
        type            = radius             
        authhost        =
        accthost        =
        secret          = key2

I need some users, who called "555555" (any names or realms) authenticate 
and accounting local via start/alive/stop scripts. Authentication work 
Im added to users:

DEFAULT Auth-Type = Accept, Called-Station-Id == "555555",
        Proxy-To-Realm := LOCAL
        Exec-Program-Wait = "/usr/local/bin/555555-auth.pl"

But accounting with similar config dont work. My acct_users:

DEFAULT Proxy-To-Realm := LOCAL, Called-Station-Id == "555555"
        Exec-Program = /usr/local/bin/555555-acct.pl

I see in logs WARNING: Cancelling proxy to Realm
LOCAL, as the realm is local. But freeradius DONT send Accounting-Response
to NAS and NAS continue re-sending accounting packets.

In logs its look like:

rlm_detail: Freeradius-Proxied-To set to          
  modcall[accounting]: module "reply_log" returns ok for request 0
modcall: group accounting returns ok for request 0                
 WARNING: Cancelling proxy to Realm LOCAL, as the realm is local. 
Finished request 0                                                
Going to the next request                                         


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