I am using pppd as "NAS" with the radius.so plugin.

what do you think about this idea:

I'll modify the kernel in order to add more statistics on the ppp interface 
(like #bytes per protocol or similar) and when the radius.so plugin
ask the kernel for ppp statistics it will have all the needed information.
At this time I think it can pass all the info to radius for accounting.

does this idea sound correct to you?
it can be of interest of other people on this list?


On Monday 27 June 2005 18:24, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Antonio Mancuso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Acc-Output-Octets and Acc-Input-Octets report the number
> > of bytes passed through the ppp interface.
> >
> > I need to strip from this #bytes all the traffic to POP3 and SMTP
> > servers.
> >
> > any idea?
>   If the NAS doesn't send that information, then it doesn't exist, and
> you can't discover it.
>   Alan DeKok.
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