"Graham, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this setup even possible?

  Do you mean EAP-MD5?  I'm not sure what MD5-Challenge is...

> I did get EAP to work when I supply the User-Password attribute in the
> users file, but I would like LDAP to fetch this if it is possible.

  If you're using LDAP, it should be doing that already.

> If I remove the User-Password attribute in the users file, the dubug out
> shows:  User-Password is required for EAP-MD5 authenitication.

  Are you getting the User-Password attribute from LDAP?  The debug
log should show this.

> Username
> Password
> Domain
> If you supply all three values, the debug shows:
> Identity does not match user-name

  You're re-writing the User-Name attribute somewhere.  Again, the
debug log will show this.

  Please read the debug log, or post it to the list.

  Alan DeKok.

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