Hi erveryone, I make it work, I know how but not why:

It wast working beacause by default is uses some-kind of modele called
sqlcca3 which seems doesn't exist. I chaged to sql and worked fine. I
other words I did this:
sqlcounter dailycounter {
                driver = "rlm_sqlcounter"
                counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
                check-name = Max-Daily-Session
                sqlmod-inst = sqlcca3
                key = User-Name
                reset = daily
I changed the parameter sqlmod-inst to sql.

Well i'm pretty new to this (4 days using radius ;)  and maybe I'm
wrong but  I think xlat.c/radius_xlat() or xlat.c/decode_attribute 
function should complain when the module does not exist.
I'll try to make a patch or something if someone tell I'm right. 

Thank you all.

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