> Alan DeKok wrote:
> >   See "wire diameter", from Taiwan.  I recall it's a student project,
> > but it does give a minimal diameter server.

I took a look at it two months ago or so. It may implement the Diameter 
protocol, but does not have any backends on board, so the use case I 
mentioned (AD) or a simple MySQL backend just aren't available.
Plus, I mailed the author at the time and asked him several questions about 
WIRE Diameter and never got a reply.

> Artur Hecker wrote:
> see also "open diameter". it even does EAP...

Well, it does packet handling, providing only a library for the server. But in 
order to really use it, you must first wrap daemon glue code around the 
libraries, and you must be able to do something with the credentials you get 
from that server. Which leads to missing backends again.


Stefan Winter


Fondation RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de 
la Recherche
Ingénieur de recherche

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