
First of all, I'm not very familiar with freeradius, so bear with me. If more specific information is needed, please ask.

We have set up freeradius to do accounting to a postgresql database, and I was expecting to see one record pr. session, and mostly we do. But there are also a lot of records that:

1) Do not have a stop time
2) Doesn't even have an Acct-Session-Time
3) Are duplicates

I have attached a textfile containing a couple of examples.

I am guessing that in case nr. 1 an explicit "Stop" message has not been received, but when it comes to the two others, I have no clue. Is there anything that can be done to avoid the duplicates? Can I get freeradius to log every "Alive" message to the database, so that I at least know when the last "Alive" was received?

As I am trying to write an application to more easily extract useful information from the data in the database, I need to know when the session started and when it ended. Having duplicates and missing stop times makes this a bit difficult. If someone could take the time to explain why the stuff I mention here occur, or have tips on other ways to extract the time the session ends, I'd really appreciate it.

Roger Kristiansen
manage=> SELECT radacctid, acctuniqueid, username, nasipaddress, nasportid, 
nasporttype, acctstarttime, acctstoptime, acctsessiontime, acctterminatecause 
FROM radacct WHERE username LIKE 'xxx000%';
 radacctid |   acctuniqueid   |       username        |  nasipaddress  | 
nasportid | nasporttype |         acctstarttime         |         acctstoptime  
        | acctsessiontime | acctterminatecause
        49 | f5c3662a11cb9c96 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | xxx.xxx.xxx.xx |     
50027 | Ethernet    | 2005-07-13 16:37:56.991037+02 |                           
    |                 |
        86 | ba7c66fe30d2e933 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | xxx.xxx.xxx.xx |     
50027 | Ethernet    | 2005-07-13 16:52:57.142572+02 |                           
    |           27011 |
       432 | 328b5aa3cb9c9783 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | xxx.xxx.xxx.xx |     
50027 | Ethernet    | 2005-07-14 00:38:08.639255+02 | 2005-07-14 
00:58:12.651435+02 |           47121 | Port-Error
       608 | f4cde8a7ab4087f4 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | xxx.xxx.xxx.xx |     
50027 | Ethernet    | 2005-07-14 09:16:23.006713+02 |                           
    |               1 |
       627 | f6166e0e52ee5625 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | xxx.xxx.xxx.xx |     
50027 | Ethernet    | 2005-07-14 09:31:23.935167+02 |                           
    |                 |

manage=> SELECT radacctid, acctuniqueid, username, nasipaddress, nasportid, 
nasporttype, acctstarttime, acctstoptime, acctsessiontime, acctterminatecause 
FROM radacct WHERE username LIKE 'yyy022%';

 radacctid |   acctuniqueid   |        username         |  nasipaddress   | 
nasportid | nasporttype |         acctstarttime         |         acctstoptime  
        | acctsessiontime | acctterminatecause
       248 | 4b137cbd9d0edc37 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | yyy.yyy.yyy.yy  |     
50002 | Ethernet    | 2005-07-13 20:35:45.720945+02 | 2005-07-13 
20:47:16.888227+02 |             691 | Port-Error
       247 | 4b137cbd9d0edc37 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | yyy.yyy.yyy.yy  |     
50002 | Ethernet    | 2005-07-13 20:35:45.7404+02   | 2005-07-13 
20:47:16.888227+02 |             691 | Port-Error
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