On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Mark Litchfield wrote:

> Using:
>     FreeRadius 1.0.4
>     OpenLDAP 2.2.27
>     FreeBSD 5.4
> We are trying to get FreeBSD to allow a user to be a member in multiple
> groups. Here's roughly the way we have the tree laid out.
> dc: treeroot
> |_ou: accounts
> |  |_ou: domain1
> |  |  |_uid: joe
> |  |     mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |  |_ou: domain2
> |     |_uid: joe
> |        mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |_ou: groups
>   |_cn: group1
>   |  uniqueMember: uid=joe,ou=domain1,ou=accounts,dc=treeroot
>   |_cn: group2
>   |  uniqueMember: uid=joe,ou=domain2,ou=accounts,dc=treeroot
>   |_cn: group3
>   |  uniqueMember: uid=joe,ou=domain1,ou=accounts,dc=treeroot
>   |_uniqueMember: uid=joe,ou=domain2,ou=accounts,dc=treeroot
> I have freeradius and LDAP authenticating nicely. The problem I am
> running into is that when I id a user, it only shows the primary group
> that user is a member of. How can I get FreeRadius to report the other
> groups that the user belongs to?
> Mark Litchfield

Sorry I don't understand.  Can you explain what you mean by "only shows
the primary group" and "report the other groups".  Report to what?

Perhaps some radiusd -X output and an explanation of what you are trying
to do would help.

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