Kris Benson wrote:

I'm very frustrated now after spending a couple of weeks trying to get
free radius to authenticate my Win2k machine accounts against active
directory. :-(
Sorry, blame Microsoft.  It isn't possible, but they don't make it
obvious that it's not possible.

Alan, do you know of any way to get this working.  I have been assured
that Funk can do this, have you any idea how Funk are doing it.  Funk
costs too much.  Maybe I'm not allowed to ask such questions.
Funk does it by running the radius server on the AD server.  At that
point, they can use *internal* Windows API's or hacks to get at the
data.  Since FreeRADIUS is running externally, it can't use those
API's, and thus won't work.

FreeRADIUS *will* run on XP.  If someone were to write the necessary
code, you could run the server on XP, and do what Funk does.

It sounds to me like you're saying this is a server-side issue.  Since AD
is available via LDAP, why couldn't this FreeRadius install just use
rlm_ldap to access the machine account info in AD?

The Microsoft side of things isn't my greatest strength, least of all the
AD/LDAP stuff, but it seems as though this *should* work.


Kris Benson, CCP, I.S.P.
Technical Analyst, District Projects
School District #57 (Prince George)

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AD unfortunatly does not provide the passwords via ldap, the authentication gets passed on to a kerberos implamentation, LDAP just provide group information. I'd look in to a solution for radius that is able to either athenticate via machine accounts provided via winbindd, or an implamentation that is abble to use kerberos for user account athentication information. - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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