Hello list,

This has probably been asked a lot times before, but I just couldn't get the attributes values from accounting request packets with my perl script. I am trying to do some database queries when I received stop accounting request packets, here are the relevant sections of my radiusd.conf and script file:


modules {

        exec {
                wait = yes
                input_pairs = request

        exec custom123 {
                wait = no
program = "/usr/src/myscript.pl %{Acct-Unique-Session-Id} %{User-Name} %{Called-Station-Id}"
                input-pairs = request
                output-pairs = reply
                packet-type = Accounting-Request

instantiate {





accounting {




myscript.pl (simplifed the accounting section for the purpose of posting):

use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict 'vars';

use Data::Dumper;


use constant RLM_MODULE_REJECT=> 0;# /* immediately reject the request */
use constant    RLM_MODULE_FAIL=>      1;#  /* module failed, don't reply */
use constant    RLM_MODULE_OK=>        2;#  /* the module is OK, continue */
use constant RLM_MODULE_HANDLED=> 3;# /* the module handled the request, so stop. */ use constant RLM_MODULE_INVALID=> 4;# /* the module considers the request invalid. */ use constant RLM_MODULE_USERLOCK=> 5;# /* reject the request (user is locked out) */
use constant    RLM_MODULE_NOTFOUND=>  6;#  /* user not found */
use constant RLM_MODULE_NOOP=> 7;# /* module succeeded without doing anything */
use constant    RLM_MODULE_UPDATED=>   8;#  /* OK (pairs modified) */
use constant RLM_MODULE_NUMCODES=> 9;# /* How many return codes there are */


        return RLM_MODULE_OK;

sub authorize {
        return RLM_MODULE_OK;

sub authenticate {

        if ($RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'} =~ /^baduser/i) {
                $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} = "Denied access by rlm_perl 
                return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;
        } else {
                $RAD_REPLY{'h323-credit-amount'} = "100";
                return RLM_MODULE_OK;

sub preacct {

        return RLM_MODULE_OK;

sub accounting {

        if ($RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Status-Type'} eq "Stop") {

                open(FILEWRITE, "> /downloads/tronsun/testperlfile.log");

                print FILEWRITE "Logging RAD Request Attributes\n";
print FILEWRITE "Acct-Unique-Session-Id : $RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Unique-Session-Id'}\n";

                close FILEWRITE;

                return RLM_MODULE_OK;

        else {
                return RLM_MODULE_NOOP;


sub checksimul {
        return RLM_MODULE_OK;

sub xlat {

        my ($filename,$a,$b,$c,$d) = @_;
        &radiusd::radlog(1, "From xlat $filename ");
        &radiusd::radlog(1,"From xlat $a $b $c $d ");
        local *FH;
        open FH, $filename or die "open '$filename' $!";
        local($/) = undef;
        my $sub = <FH>;
        close FH;
        my $eval = qq{ sub handler{ $sub;} };
        eval $eval;
        eval {main->handler;};

sub detach {
        &radiusd::radlog(0,"rlm_perl::Detaching. Reloading. Done.");

sub log_request_attributes {
        for (keys %RAD_REQUEST) {
                &radiusd::radlog(1, "RAD_REQUEST: $_ = $RAD_REQUEST{$_}");


End myscript.pl

My Accounting-Request packet:

Acct-Session-Id = "1124643784.6"
h323-connect-time = "2005-08-22 01:04:29"
h323-setup-time = "2005-08-22 01:04:25"
Cisco-NAS-Port = "SIP/14002-081332c8"
Called-Station-Id = "18001112345"
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
h323-conf-id = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
NAS-IP-Address =
Acct-Session-Time = 67
Calling-Station-Id = "9871234"
h323-disconnect-time = "2005-08-22 01:05:36"
Cisco-AVPair = "codec-type-rate=ulaw;useragent=X-Lite release 1103m;"
User-Name = "9871234"
NAS-Identifier = "Asterisk"
NAS-Port = 5070
Acct-Delay-Time = 4
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "44e82fcfd875db6f"
Timestamp = 1124643865


After the script is ran in freeradius, there is no value in $RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Status-Type'} and $RAD_REQUEST{'Acct-Unique-Session-Id'}

Right now I'm putting the attributes into the arugments when executing myscript.pl (as shown in radiusd.conf), which works fine. But I would like to know the proper way. Please point me the right direction. Thank you very much.

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