hi :

I am not sure that anyone have done this before ::

We have a customer using Steelbelt radius that forward accounting
information to the freeradius server. We can receive the accounting
packet and stored it successfully.
But the problem is we have another application that will do a mapping
from IP address to  MSISDN. In order to do the mapping from IP to
MSISDN , the application need to talk?? to a radius server that have
the information (that means freeradius that receive the accounting
packet). The flow is below ::

handset --> authenticated successfully --> Steelbelt radius forward
accounting packet to Freeradius and the application will the a lookup
for MSISDN that match the IP address before allow the handset to use
the services.

Is this possible ?? The application managed to authenticate itself
successfully with Freeradius but I just cannot send the matching
MSISDN back to the application.

I have tried to use the variable such as %{Calling-Station-Id} in the
access-repky message but no values assign.

Any helps ?


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