Hello there,

I have a small problem. And I read the documentation. And I can't find
what's wrong.

I have a corporate LDAP with users and group.

Each group is a "groupOfUniqueNames", with "uniquemember".
In the user defintion, no group definition is set.

I need to authenticate members of a certain groups, and not of another ...

Every doc I read mention that you have to create an attribute "per user" ...

Any other way ?

I chose to do groups per user with radiusgroupname attribute, which is in the ldap_howto. However, you don't have to do it that way. Try reading radiusd.conf in the ldap section under the default groupmembership_filter. Or reading doc/rlm_ldap.

If you are trying that and not having success, then post your debug output.

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