On Friday 30 September 2005 21:28, Duane Cox wrote:
> There are a few qwerks with getting FreeRadius to work with MSSQL.

thought so... :)

> First thing, the FreeTDS files have been removed (more like
> abandonded) from FreeRadius.
> If you really want to call FreeTDS direclty, you will have to
> download the files from the "attic".
> But more than that you will also have to update the files as they do
> not currently compile properly, they are a bit old.
> I would suggest to go with unixodbc or iodbc, even though using
> FreeTDS is IMHO the best way, it's not supported.

oh... ok, then I'll go with unixodbc.

> Second, in order to get MSSQL to work with the current version of
> FreeRadius 1.0.5, you will need to install either unixodbc or iodbc. 
> I chose unixodbc; and in doing so it requires FreeTDS.  So install
> both FreeTDS and unixODBC.
> Third.  You will need to include mssql.conf and call
> rlm_sql_unixodbc.  The mssql.conf has to many tricks to it.  First
> the default driver is invalid and the "server" is really the DSN and
> must match that name found in /etc/odbc.ini.  Also /etc/odbc.ini must
> be readable by the freeradius daemon.  Also, there is an extra
> statement in the mssql.conf that is totaly not used and can be
> deleted; it's "authenticate_query".
> These things should help you out.  If you need any further
> assistance, ie. configure/make commands and file contents ask again.

Thanks. :)

Could you give me an example how the /etc/odbc.ini has to look like?

Arne Götje (高盛華) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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