Nicolas Baradakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think there are some cases when there is a need to do both logging
> and proxying. (for example if the server and the proxy belong to
> different ISP)

  Sure, but we don't want to *force* that, either.

> I've never understood why we have pre-proxy and post-proxy for
> accounting requests. As it is now, everything done in pre-proxy can
> be done in accounting, too. And post-proxy is meaningless since
> Accounting-Response packets are empty.

  pre-proxy may require User-Name re-writing, which really belongs in
the same "function" module for authentication && accounting.

  Post-proxy is pretty useless for accounting, though.

> However if a module returns REJECT or USERLOCK, it just means the
> module is seriously broken. It's unclear whether the packet should be
> proxied in this case. If something that shouldn't happen actually
> happens, I would vote to drop the packet.

  Sure.  We should take a sweep through the modules to double-check
their return codes.

  Alan DeKok.

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