I have the same problem..

I made a simple shell script that runs every 5 min.(crontab)

#! /bin/bash

if ! [ -n "`radtest username passwd localhost 10 secret | grep TRAPEZE`" ]; then
        service radiusd restart

"TRAPEZE" i s the name of the user-assigned vlan..
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=39, length=29
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "TRAPEZE"

Modify the line/word you want to grep if authentication works...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21.10.2005 11:56 >>>

hi - we're having the freeradius 1.0.2 daemon dying occasionally for mysterious 
reasons - we're still investuigating the cause.

however - when it dies the radiusd.pid file is not removed. this causes 
problems for most restart-wrappers ...

running in the foreground in an infinite loop is also not ideal as this means 
the daemon doesn't run in threaded mode.

can anyone recommend a good way to monitor/restart the daemon.


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