A while ago I upgraded our freeradius server to 1.0.2 from a 0.9.x
version, and ever since our ISDN dial-up users can not gain access when
their login type in radcheck is Crypt-Password. If I change them to a
User-Password attribute and the cleartext password, it works.

I've compiled a debug log at
http://tenchi.systemec.nl/~shadur/radlog.txt with the SQL query outputs
added below the queries where they are made. 

This exact setup worked with 0.9.x ; I've ru

Rens Houben                           |    opinions are mine
Resident linux guru and sysadmin      | if my employers have one
Systemec Internet Services.           |they'll tell you themselves
PGP key at http://marduk.systemec.nl/~shadur/shadur.key.asc
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