hi all ::

I have a weird problem. If I am not mistaken sessions are logged and
remove on accouting-start and accouting-stop but I have encountered
where an active session for a particular users have been deleted from
the session database without the corresponding accounting stop packet.
I am running Freeradius 1.0.4 on Solaris 9.

Is there a problem with radutmp ??

My config file for radutmp under radiusd.conf ::
radutmp {
                #  Where the file is stored.  It's not a log file,
                #  so it doesn't need rotating.
                filename = ${logdir}/radutmp

                #  The field in the packet to key on for the
                #  'user' name,  If you have other fields which you want
                #  to use to key on to control Simultaneous-Use,
                #  then you can use them here.
                #  Note, however, that the size of the field in the
                #  'utmp' data structure is small, around 32
                #  characters, so that will limit the possible choices
                #  of keys.
                #  You may want instead: %{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}}
                username = %{User-Name}

                #  Whether or not we want to treat "user" the same
                #  as "USER", or "User".  Some systems have problems
                #  with case sensitivity, so this should be set to
                #  'no' to enable the comparisons of the key attribute
                #  to be case insensitive.
                case_sensitive = yes

                #  Accounting information may be lost, so the user MAY
                #  have logged off of the NAS, but we haven't noticed.
                #  If so, we can verify this information with the NAS,
                #  If we want to believe the 'utmp' file, then this
                #  configuration entry can be set to 'no'.
                check_with_nas = no

                # Set the file permissions, as the contents of this file
                # are usually private.
                perm = 0600

                callerid = "yes"

Thanks !

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