Hello !

Short question
My FR 1.0 doesn't send Accounting-Response when sql module fail. Is it correct? I think it must always send response packets as an indication that acct packet just recieved. My NAS send acct-request packets in infinity loop until response pkt recived.

Is it normal behaviour of FreeRADIUS when it does not send Accounting-Response packet to Accounting-Request? My sql module fails to insert data to DB because server due to different reasons send duplicated accounting-stop packet, and I have
unique index on sessions table.

We use Nomadix HSG as an our central access server for wireless connections.
Nomadix send acct-request packets in infinity loop until response pkt recived.

Radius debug
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Error: rlm_sql_oracle: execute query failed in sql_query: ORA-00001: unique constraint (WIFI.RADACCT_UNIQUEID) violated
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): failed after re-connect
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Couldn't insert SQL accounting STOP record - ORA-00001: unique constraint (WIFI.RADACCT_UNIQUEID) violated
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 1
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: modsingle[accounting]: returned from sql (rlm_sql) for request 17 Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: modcall[accounting]: module "sql" returns fail for request 17 Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: modcall: group accounting returns fail for request 17
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: Finished request 17
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: Going to the next request
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list ---
Tue Nov 15 12:40:33 2005 : Debug: Waking up in 2 seconds...
Tue Nov 15 12:40:35 2005 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list ---
Tue Nov 15 12:40:35 2005 : Debug: Cleaning up request 14 ID 2 with timestamp 437974c7
Tue Nov 15 12:40:35 2005 : Debug: Waking up in 1 seconds...
Tue Nov 15 12:40:36 2005 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list ---
Tue Nov 15 12:40:36 2005 : Debug: Cleaning up request 15 ID 6 with timestamp 437974c9
Tue Nov 15 12:40:36 2005 : Debug: Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host, id=8, length=162

Thanks a lot for your help

Ruslan A Dautkhanov
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