what do you think if we try to use a Perl module inside of the autorize
section?!?!. I want the Perl module to decide between my two sql servers
depending of the incoming realm, I think this can be a possible way to
take. If you have any idea please let me know. Thanks!!

That should work too. However, you can do this with Autz-Type, I am currently doing it right now, but using ldap instead of sql.

Comment out your Autz-Type entries in your users file and try this. Actually, comment out all your entries if you're not on a production system.

DEFAULT Realm == "wireless", Autz-Type := SQL1

DEFAULT Realm == "dhcp", Autz-Type := SQL2

Notice that the check item Realm == is first, then Autz-Type.

Make sure your sql1.conf and sql2.conf files look like this at the top.

sql sql1 {

sql sql2 {

Then give it a shot. If that does not work, try change it to add Auth-Type to the end.

DEFAULT Realm == "dhcp", Autz-Type := SQL2, Auth-Type := Local

If neither of those work for you, please post your debug again. Also, make sure to reply to all, so your replies go back to the list, not just me.

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