Hello mfred,

It is just the same things I want to achieve here in my university. This is captive portal (hope this is good translation)

For that, I had to use chillispot, apache2, freeradius and ldap.
I think, please correct me if freeradius is only able to do the whole thing ..., Freeradius is just a piece of the puzzle.

- apache2 host the webpage for authentification (a cgi script) (using ssl)
- chilispot use vtun in order to take control of your network interface plug to your wireless area (and thus redirect you to the apache page for authentification if you're not !) - freeradius handle the authentification and accounting using our pre-existing ldap directory listing all the users (teachers, students ...).

I have written a complete howto that I'll post this afternoon or tomorrow (needs typo correction) to chillispot forum. I can send you the draft if you need. (I hope freeradius can't do the stuff so that I'm not making ads for anotyher system :D).




mfred wrote:


maybe someone can point me to the right direction as it seems I use wrong
keywords for my search in the list and on google.
I am trying to use freeradius with wlan to authenticate hotel guests that
need i-net access.

They would prefer that the customer could visit a webpage entering the
username / password combination they got at hotel-reception. Would this be a
authentication methode which freeradius can handle or do I have to use other
authentication modules for such a purpose?

The most important thing is: Easy to use for the hotel staff at registering
/ deleting guests and easy to use for the guests at login.

TIA and br,


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Christophe Gravier
Laboratoire DIOM, groupe SATIn - Doctorant
ISTASE - Ingénieur d'études
Perso: http://perso.univ-st-etienne.fr/gravchri/
SATIn: http://www.istase.com/satin
Tel : 04 7748 5034
A mediter: http://www.fsffrance.org/news/article2005-11-25.fr.html

- List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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