
Thanks for your fine input and the reminder on the index (I completely
forgot about that).  I'll give the ldap module filter a go with the
attr_rewrite.  I like keeping attributes with the user object, rather
than spreading usernames around to various other objects.  With this
implementation, to me, the extra benefit is that I can just add a
radiusGroupName attribute = X to each user object.

BTW, on the attr_rewrite, can I use more advanced regex than just
................: ?  It works and always will work, but it would be
more clear in the config file if I could say
or something to that effect...  I couldn't get ANY regex to work
except the .  Does that seem right?


> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 14:52:10 -0500 (EST)
> From: Dusty Doris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Freeradius-Users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 82
> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
>         <freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> On Mon, 19 Dec 2005, Stefan Adams wrote:
> > Hey, guys!  Thanks for the great replies!!  I like what you suggested
> > better than what I've come up with in the mean time.  I think what I
> > came up with will work, it just seems messy/wrong/inefficient.  What
> > do you think?
> >
> > modules {
> >        ldap {
> >                :
> >                filter =
> >
> >"(&(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})
> >(radiusGroupName=%{Called-Station-ID}))"
> >                :
> >        }
> >        attr_rewrite getssid {
> >                attribute = Called-Station-Id
> >                searchin = packet
> >                searchfor = ".................:"
> >                replacewith = ""
> >                ignore_case = yes
> >                new_attribute = no
> >        }
> > }
> >
> > authorize {
> >        # for WinXP, 802.1x, EAP-PEAP, MS-CHAPv2
> >        preprocess
> >        eap
> >        getssid
> >        ldap
> > }
> >
> > This cuts off the first 17 bytes and then a colon of the
> > Called-Station-ID (My AP transmits a dash separated MAC followed by a
> > colon and then the SSID).  Then it uses this rewritten
> > Called-Station-ID and uses that as a filter in the LDAP search.
> > Therefore, if the SSID a user tries to connect to is not listed as an
> > attribute of the user's LDAP object, the user is denied.
> >
> > Does that make sense?
> That's a pretty neat idea.  The benefit of that is if you had multiple
> ldap instances and wanted to implement fail-over within freeradius.  To do
> it the traditional way, you would need this for fail-over with ldap-group
> checks if say you had two ldap instances.
> DEFAULT Called-Station-Id =~ /studentregex/, ldap1-Ldap-Group ==
> "students"
> DEFAULT Called-Station-Id =~ /studentregex/, ldap2-Ldap-Group ==
> "students"
> That is so it will check with ldap1 instance first.  If that fails, then
> check ldap2.
> By doing it your way, you won't need to do that anymore.  Instead a
> redundant block in authorize would get you what you need already since the
> radiusGroupname inside your search filter takes care of the Ldap-Group
> check.
> I wonder if you could use regex matches of Called-Station-ID in the
> huntgroups file.  You'll have to test this out, I doubt it would work, but
> its another interesting idea.  I don't know if huntgroups excepts regex
> and if it can use things like Called-Station-Id
> in huntgroups
> students        Called-Station-Id =~ /studentregex/
> faculty         Called-Station-Id =~ /facultyregex/
> Then in users file.
> DEFAULT Ldap-Group == %{Huntgroup-Name}
> Or you're way.
> (&(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})(radiusGroupName=%{Huntgroup-Name}))"
> See doc/configurable_failover and doc/rlm_ldap to see what I'm talking
> about with the failover.  If you have a load balancer in front of that
> ldap server, you won't need to worry about it.  But if you don't and you
> want to add redundancy, then its something you'll need to think about some
> day.  Freeradius can do the redundancy for you w/out a load balancer or
> shared IP using configurable failover.  Actually in the upcoming 1.1
> release it will also do load balancing for you in addition to failover
> inside your ldap blocks.
> Hope I'm not too confusing.  My point is I like your idea and if its
> working for you, it doesn't sound like a bad one to me.  You might want to
> try hitting it hard to see if the rewrite slows anything down, but I would
> bet it doesn't.
> I'd also make sure to add an eq index to radiusgroupname, since you'll be
> using that as part of your search filter.

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