On Thu, 23 Dec 2005, Manuj wrote:

        As I am new to this free radius, could you please suggest me a good
documentation(free) available on the net.
Version I am using is Free RADIUS 1.0.5.


Download the source. Untar the package and cd into the doc/ directory. When you're done with that, cd back into the raddb directory and read the comments in the config files. Most of the time, what you want to do will just work with minimal changes.

Then set it up and give it a shot. Run it in debug mode (radiusd -X) and send some test packets to it with radclient (this is all in the docs I listed).

If you want to learn more about radius, you could even do a package capture with tcpdump and then read the packets with ethereal. That will show you what is going back and forth between the servers.

If you're feeling really ambitious, read the radius RFCs. It probably won't make much sense if your not used to that kind of document but it will help give you an idea of how radius works if your new to it.

Then post questions here and be sure to include your debug output and a detailed description of what you're trying to do.

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