if i just used the default in the attrs file to test our realms replies and 
pass them on upstream, i am confused on how to limit..


my realm sends me a reply of

Session-Timeout = 8400

tested against my attrs file, it is within range so it would be passed.. my 
attrs contains

Session-Timeout <= 14400

now... if someone sends me a value above 14400 i am under the impression that 
the Session-Timeout reply would be dropped and none would be sent. 

I would like to, if the value is over, set the max value and send my reply 
instead of theirs still giving them the ability to send replies of less value 
to be passed.. i am confused how to do this.  i am aware of the := operator 
which would substitute my value in place of whatever theirs is and pass it 
on, but how do I do a conditional in this file so I only do that if it is 



"Windows?? You mean the thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a 
sixteen-bit patch to an eight-bit operating system originally coded for a 
four-bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can't 
stand one bit of competition? Oh, that..." -- Lee Clarke

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