Hello everybody, I wish you a merry christmas.

I have one small question, something I don't understand, and I didn't
found any explication nowhere :

I have something like this :

--- radiusd.conf

authorization {

--- users

DEFAULT Auth-Type != MS-CHAP .....
DEFAULT Auth=Type == MS-CHAP .....

In the debug output of radiusd, I see something like :

rlm_passwd: Added LM-Password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' to config_items rlm_passwd: Added NT-Password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' to config_items rlm_passwd: Added SMB-Account-CTRL-TEXT: '[UX ]' to config_items rlm_passwd: Adding "Auth-Type = MS-CHAP"

That's done before the mod_call to 'files'. However, there's no matched entry
in 'users'.
What does it mean ? Why is not Auth-Type set to MS-CHAP before to
look at 'users' ?
Is there a doc somewhere that precisely describes how the server chains things ?
But perhaps it's a big secret, a kind of graal that only
radius core developpers can touch ? :-) However, a public version could be 
really helpfull...

Samuel Degrande           LIFL - UMR8022 CNRS - INRIA Futurs - Bat M3
Phone: (33)  USTL - Universite de Lille 1
[CA certs: http://igc.services.cnrs.fr/CNRS-Standard/recherche.html ]

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