"Dickson, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Here is my ldap section:
> ldap {
>               server = ""
>               identity = dmadmin1
>               password = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> This seeems to work:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ldapsearch -LLL -h name.serverdm.domain.edu -x -b
> 'ou=Users,dc=name,dc=serverdm,dc=domain,dc=edu'  -D
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -w Passw0rd

  Hmm... did you use the same user/password information as the ldap
config to do the ldapsearch?


  Are you surprised that the results are different from what
FreeRADIUS sees?  If so, why?

  Alan DeKok.

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