I'm running Fedora (FC4) with the Oracle Instantclient 10g rpms (basic,devel,sqlplus,jdbc) and I'm trying to compile freeradius 1.1.0 with oracle support but the oracle module doesn't compile at all. It seem like the rlm_sql_oracle configure and makefile are buggy as hell or they only support an Oracle8 installation. It look like the with-oracle-home-dir and with-oracle-include-dir and with-oracle-lib-dir configure switches are useless because even when I set them up properly it doesn't seem to be using them and it doesn't compile. At first it was complaining about some missing oci.h even if it's there. So after reading the config.log I created some soft link so that it's finding it but then it was complaining about some other missing stuff so I did some other soft links. So now I'm at something like four soft link all around my system and it still doesn't compile :) I tried to edit the configure.in and the makefile files (I'm a newbie when it come to makefile and configure and autoconf stuff) and it still doesn't work. So I don't know what to do next. I'm very close to scrap the whole oracle plan and switch to mysql or to flat raddb file.

Is there anyone that successfully compile the rlm_sql_oracle module in FC4 (or any fedora for that matter)? - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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