Title: Ippool and NAS

Hi Freeradius users.

I have compiled and installed the 1.1.0 version of Freeradius and made the basic configurations and everything works fine.

Now I have 5 NAS boxes that is accessing the radius server the problem is that I want each NAS to use a set if ipadresses.

So for NAS(1) the radius should return ippool(1) and so on.

I have looked at the FAQ and have been searching in the mail archive for several hours and have only seen people asking about allocating ipadresses for specific user(s) or group(s) but not for a NAS.

Could anyone please help me to get me started on this.

Best Regards
/Daniel Johansson

Below is my NAS boxes in clients.conf

# Client for RTP-RFTN, GGSN 1

client {
        secret          = xxx
        shortname       = RTP-RFTN


# Client for S99, GGSN 249

client {
        secret          = xxx
        shortname       = S99 GGSN 249

# Client for S98, GGSN 254

client {
        secret          = xxx
        shortname       = S98 GGSN 254

# Client for GLANA, GGSN 250

client {
        secret          = xxx
        shortname       = GLANA GGSN 250

# Client for Telia GLANA, GGSN 249

client {
        secret          = xxx
        shortname       = GLANA GGSN 249

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