Mark Tunnell:
> How do I send radius logs to the local syslog server?  The man page
> says the -l radiusd switch is deprecated and that you should see the
> log_dir configuration item in the radiusd.conf file.  There is no
> 'log_dir' configuration item in the radiusd.conf file.  There is a
> 'logdir' and a 'log_file'.  I've tried setting those = to 'syslog'
> with no luck.  I've tried adding a log_dir to radiusd.conf but that
> didn't work either.

I think that it somewhat depends on what you expect your logs
to contain.

If you set
logdir = syslog
log_file = /var/log/radius/radius.log
log_auth = yes

you get succeeded/failed auth-attempts into syslog, but some entries
into radius.log:
Mon Jan 16 10:42:19 2006 : Info: rlm_passwd: nfields: 3 keyfield 0(User-Name) 
listable: no

If I remember it correctly, the docs were a bit unclear on the
matter. Spent some hours getting it to work. I may not have spent
too much time on it, but I don't think I ever got accounting logs
into syslog to work.

This is on freeradius 1.0.1, and without any commandline arguments.

Lasse Karstensen
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