Sayantan Bhowmick wrote:
I am trying a similar setup with some variation.
If there is no PDC, there's no domain, so there *is* no machine

I have setup a Samba PDC and am using Novell eDirectory as the back-end
store. In this scenario is it possible to perform PEAP-MSCHAPv2 machine
authentication by adding the WinXP machine to the Samba PDC and without
using ntlm_auth. Any help will be much appreciated.

Maybe. It's not a common use-case.

There should be an account in the domain of MACHINENAME$ - it should have an ntPassword LDAP attribute (or whatever it's called in your schema). If you setup the FreeRadius LDAP module to correctly extract the ntPassword attribute and add it as an NT-Password configure item, I don't see any reason the FreeRadius ms-chap module wouldn't work.

So, something like:

modules {
  mschap {
  ldap {
    # configure LDAP here
authorize {
authenticate {
  Auth-Type MS-CHAP {

The "configure LDAP here" should be fairly straightforward - read the default configuration and unless you have a non-standard setup things should work.

Things you might have to alter:

1. If your LDAP schema puts the NT hash in an attribute other than ntPassword, edit the "ldap.attrmap" file 2. If your LDAP schema does not contain the ntPassword but uses the Novell eDir "universal password" stuff (I'm not sure how that would work as a samba backend, so I doubt it) read the comments about setting up eDir in the default radiusd.conf

Other possible issues - the machine may announce itself as "HOST/MACHINENAME" in which case you need to fix that - see posts on the mailing list about using the "hints" file to strip the host/ and append a $ but I can't find them because the FreeRadius archives are unsearchable (every "help me" post with FR debug output contains those strings!)

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