Alan DeKok wrote:
> Andriy Gapon <avg at> wrote:
>> I also want to apologize if my tone seemed too attacking towards
>> freeradius for such a novice that I am.
>   You're not attacking, you're worried about situations that haven't
> occured yet.
>> Now to the subject matter: let us imagine some not very distant future
>> when digest authentication extension is finally standardized
>   We will address that situation when it happens.  Until then, there
> isn't a lot of point in discussing this.
>> How would you resolve such situation ?
>   Very carefully.


let me be more explicit about where I am coming from:
Let us suppose that somebody wants to implement a digest authentication
extension module according to draft06 while keeping existing
implementation too. And he does want to do it now. He also might be
willing to contribute that module to FreeRADIUS later.
What advice could you give to such a person ?

And I will really appreciate your advice as I do appreciate your answers.

Thank you.

Andriy Gapon
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