
> server. I think I can trigger this by writing shell
> script when the packet access_accept received. (am i
> right?)

you can do. if the reply conatins whatever string you want...

> Second question :
> How do I learn to use the command line to run client?

man radclient

at the bottom of that man page is a trivial example much 
like what you are testing with

> # echo "User-Name = Maria, User-Password = testing" |
> radclient auth testing123
> How do I find other command to start and stop
> accounting?
> I think I can use the same command like above just
> change the auth become acct.
> But the problem is how do i tell the server that I
> want to stop the acct session? 

attribute types help here. I would recommend reading some detailed
material on RADIUS. there are many online resources and FreeRADIUS
itself has plentiful documentation

> Sending Access-Accept of id 131 to
>         Framed-Protocol = PPP
>         Session-Timeout = 600
>         Login-Service = Telnet
>         Idle-Timeout = 360
> But why the session-TImeout is not working? 

I would guess because you arent dealing with, for example, a NAS
or checking the RADIUS status before denying/allowing actions.

> How do I see if the time already passed, the client
> will be disconnected from server?

ideally you run a full AAA piece of software or control box. without
a lot of external wrappers, radclient isnt the all-singing NAS tool
that I believe you think it is. the man page also explains what radclient

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