I have 100s of users but here is an example.
user u1: has access from NAS-IP
user u2: has access from NAS-IP 192.168.5 and 6

currently I have huntgroup defination such as,
hu1 NAS-IP-Address
hu2 NAS-IP-Adderss

Then in the users file, (sorry if the syntax is not
exactly correct here)
u1 Auth-by: Local, huntgroup: hu1
u2 Auth-by: Local, hungrroup: hu2
#then also,
u1 Auth-by: Local, huntgroup: hu2

see how I had to make two entries for user u1. I was
wonderig if there is better way to do that.

--- Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Agent Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > first, thanks for writting and giving out FR. I
> have
> > been given $$ to buy commercial radius but I
> haven't
> > since I love FR, I think it has more featurs then
> the
> > commercial one we looked at so good job!!!
>   Thanks.
> > Is it possible for same NAS-IP to be in multiple
> > huntgroups?
>   I'm not sure.
> > see what I am trying to do is limit access based
> on
> > NAS-IP address, is there any other way to do this?
>   Limit who's access to what?
> > one more thing, I wrote a dictionay.raritan file,
> > where do I contribute? 
>   Mail it to the list.
>   Alan DeKok.
> - 
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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