
I'm running freeradius 1.1.0 + mysql + dialupadmin on a linux 2.6 box
with a pppoe-server runing on the same machine as nas.
It works great ;-)

But i have a problem with stalled sessions.
I have set simultaneous use :=1.
I have set "sql" in the session section in radiusd.conf.

If a user that somehow failed network connectivity and failed to tell
the server "account stop" tries to reconnect back it won't let him
because his previous session is stalled. I need a mechanism that will do
a check upon connection if the session is stalled, delete it and let the
user in or if there is already a real user logged in deny the connecting
I read from the mailing lists that radzap should do the job but i can't
seem to figure out how to integrate it in that setup (the man page
explains only the syntax).
I also use the ippool module to give (and it should return back too) ip
addresses from a given pool range. I need to be sure that it will return
an ip to the pool if there's a stalled session detected by the needed

At the moment radwho and rlm_ippool_tool show about twice or more
entries than the number actually used.

Please advice ;-)

Georgi Alexandrov

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