For some reason my replies are not getting to the list.

Walter Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have some tools that currently run some statistics on the radius
> accounting file. Well, we currently use a different radius server.
> that in mind the log format is different. Is there a way to modify
> format of the accounting log format?

 Which accounting log?  The detail file?  That's pretty much
unchanged since the original Livingston format 13 years ago.

 Could you be more specific, and say what should be changed, and to
what it should be changed?

 Alan DeKok.

I apologize for not giving all the info, I am new to radius and am still learning. Yes I am refering to the detail file. Currently we have implemented a version of MERIT Radius. I know less about that than Freeradius, so forgive me if I do not give you what you need.

Currently we have two files that appear to be accounting data to me.

Following are what we get (I have removed IP info for safty sake)

These two lines are from logfile.20060220

Mon Feb 20 13:07:12 2006: Received-Authentication: 63/62890 'waltr' from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port
9126 PPP

Mon Feb 20 13:07:12 2006: Authentication: 63/62890 'waltr' from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 9126 PPP
- OK -- total 0, holding 0

No, what is more important to me os from the session.20060220.las file (mainly the first line) This is strange though as because Pre-Auth the accounting data is sent to the merit radius then forwarded to a freeradius and back. Either way this is the format of the merit
radius and our scripts.

NA NA 1140458855 20 20 waltr@ NA 'PROFILE' NA NA
##      User-Name:0='waltr'     Calling-Station-Id:0='XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'
##      Acct-Input-Octets:1=1208        Acct-Output-Octets:1=1648
## Acct-Input-Packets:1=11 Acct-Output-Packets:1=9 Acct-Terminate-Cause:1=User-Request ## Tunnel-Client-Endpoint:10=:49:'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' Acct-Authentic:1=RADIUS
##      NAS-IP-Address:2=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX        NAS-Port-Type:1=Virtual

I hope this helps clear up my question.

-- Walter Reynolds
   University of Michigan
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