On Mon 27 Feb 2006 22:29, debik wrote:
> I have got onother database on my serwer. I it used by ISP accounting. In
> this database is the table called users where are logins and passwords. I
> have tried to put in radiusd.conf another module called sql1 and create
> file sql1.conf When i start radius it says me that the parameters are in
> attribute = format. I know what im doing wrong, but is there anyway to
> correct this.
> I know the RFC about freeradius and supouse there is not anyway to do this.

The easiest way to do this is to write a stored procedure to make your 
database return the data in the format FreeRADIUS expects. Any decent DBA 
should be able to help you with this.

You don't mention what type of database you are using so I can't go into any 
more detail.


Peter Nixon
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