Hi, everyone
I use Hostap(0.2.0, the hostapd is 0.4.7)+Freeradius(1.0.2)+Xsupplicant(1.0.1_, and both of the hostap and freeradius are located in the same machine. So I set in clients.conf as freeradius server's client and set as the radius server in hostapd.conf, and the secret of them is the same. But When I setup the authentication, I got the following informantion on radius server:
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host, id=0, length=70
Received Accounting-Request packet from with invalid signature!  (Shared secret is incorrect.)
Server rejecting request 1.
Finished request 1
Then I checked the "Shared secret" set in both configure file, they are the same. Why did the error appear?
On the other hand, everytime I run the xsupplicant, the destination MAC address will cha! nge for a while. And this is what I got:
[INT] Called event_core_setup()!
[INT] Called cardif_linux_rtnetlink_init()!
[INT] Flags are : 06
[INT] Initializing socket for interface eth1..
[INT] Index : 4
Interface initalized!
[INT] Interface eth1 is wireless!
[INT] The card reported that the destination MAC address is now 00 40 05 AE B7 7C
[INT] Userdata is NULL!
[INT] Working with ESSID : hostap
[CONFIG] Working from config file /etc/xsupplicant.conf.
[CONFIG] Opened socket descriptor #7
[ALL] Processing command : /usr/local/etc/1x/startup.sh
[ALL] Returning command : /usr/local/etc/1x/startup.sh
[ALL] Actual command being called is /usr/local/etc/1x/startup.sh
[INT] Working with an interface with index of 4.
[INT]    -- Got a new interface request.
[INT] Found interface eth1, with index of 4! (Ignored)
[ALL] Processing inte! rface eth1... (Flags : 05)
[INT] The card reported that the destination MAC address is now 44 44 44 44 44 44
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [1]
[INT] Successfully set the WEP transmit key [1]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [2]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [3]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [4]
[INT] All 4s for dest mac!
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [1]
[INT] Successfully set the WEP transmit key [1]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [2]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [3]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [4]
[CONFIG] MAC address changed!  Updating config!
[CONFIG] Working from config file /etc/xsupplicant.conf.
[ALL] Unknown error (-1)
[ALL] Clock tick! authWhile=29 heldWhile=59 startWhen=0 curState=LOGOFF

[INT] Successfully set WEP key [1]
[INT] Successfully set the WEP transmit key [1]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [2]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [3]
[INT] Successfu! lly set WEP key [4]
[INT] All 4s for dest mac!
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [1]
[INT] Successfully set the WEP transmit key [1]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [2]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [3]
[INT] Successfully set WEP key [4]
[CONFIG] MAC address changed!  Updating config!
[CONFIG] Working from config file /etc/xsupplicant.conf.
[ALL] Unknown error (-1)
[ALL] Clock tick! authWhile=29 heldWhile=59 startWhen=0 curState=LOGOFF
Why the destination MAC address could change? And I have checked the address "44 44 44 44 44 44" which means no network is detected. So what's wrong?
Anyone can help me? Thanks a lot!

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