On Mon 20 Mar 2006 10:57, Ashwin Gobind wrote:
> Good day. I have freeradius running on a Dual P4 server with 4GB Ram.  I
> am using freeradius to service clients. I require performance of 200tps.
> I am having a problem where many clients do not get responses for
> authentication messages.  Monitoring my cpu and memory load during busy
> periods, my cpu max utilization is  only 10% used, 90%idle.  There is
> also enough memory.
> How can I optimize freeradius to increase the tps handling capability ?

200tps is quite a low load for FreeRADIUS. A single CPU PII should be able to 
handle that and still have enough CPU to play MP3 on the side...

Are you using a slow database backend?

Do you have a high latency network between your NAS and FreeRADIUS?


Peter Nixon
PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc

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