"Eliot, Wireless and Server Administrator,
        Great Lakes Internet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am proxying the packets from the Cisco through the FreeRADIUS server
> to the IAS server. EAP messages are exchanged between the supplicant and
> the IAS server; the Cisco AP and FreeRADIUS server do not touch them,
> correct?

  For the most part.

> And, if that is the case, then the IAS server and the supplicant
> are doing all the TLS stuff. The IAS server obviously supports those OID
> extensions. So, shouldn't the supplicant work properly? 

  It would seem so.

> And, in that kind of setup, the
> FreeRADIUS server should not be causing any problems, correct? 

  Other people do it, so it should work.

  Alan DeKok.
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