On Fri, 2006-28-04 at 15:37 +0200, Olaf Schaefer wrote:
> > 1.8 ?
> Freeradius 1.1.1 comes with dialup-admin v1.70.2, the recent CVS
> includes v1.80
> > a file in the documentation directory. The last batch of patches 
> Where can I find your patches? Maybe you've done something which could
> be useful for me. :)
Most were incorporated into the CVS head before FreeRadius was
1.0.0. I doubt I have any of the original patch files anymore.

> > That's right. I would have to study the GPL and FSF licences,
> > to understand the implications.
> Hmmm, isn't freeradius itself released under the same license?
Sure, supplying patches that fix bugs or provide improvements does
not concern me, because I know that is allowed. Taking the code 
for dialup_admin breaking it down and turning it into something 
else is quite different. I respect the tremendous amount of work
that went into dialup_admin, and I am sure that many people find 
it meets their needs. Some of the minimum requirements I have to 
meet require significant changes, and rather than struggle to 
get my changes included. I know that I don't like it when people 
use my code without giving me any credit, making it seems easier 
to start from scratch so that I don't appear to be taking credit 
for work that I did not do on my own.

> > > That sounds like much work 
> > It's like eating an Elephant. Start off with small bites, and 
> > just keep on munching, until eventually your done.
> Bon appetit! ;) 
> > I am still mulling it over.
> I think is has to be clear what the expected usage is. I mean there are
> two directions, the first is the (technical) administration of the
> radius server concerning tasks like setting up NAS, IP-pools,
> configuration in general etc.
> The second is the "business"-thing, like adding users, billing &
> evaluation of accounting data, colorful statistics :) etc.
Absolutely, I think there are basically three types of activity:

1) Configuration - Used very rarely buy knowledgable staff, to 
change operation of the server.

2) Administration - Maintenance of administration, user accounts,
service packages, billing systems and report generators.

3) User - Allows users to maintain parts of their account(s) that
are permitted, and view the reports they are permitted to see.

Some of the tools required to make configuration possible can 
also be used for administration and in some cases the user 
area as well, but using a conditioned read only method. For 
instance it would be easier for administration to be able to 
select dictionary attributes from a list then be able to 
select valid values for that attribute, or have their entries
verified as being valid.

> I guess Dialup-Admin is somewhere in between. So a real
> GUI-configuration tool would be very nice. 
> > My Boss ruled it out. He doesn't want a bunch of bits and pieces 
> > that are loosely coupled. Unfortunately, what he wants to use 
> > it too limited to do what is needed, but is easy to use. 
> I know this scenario, too :) 
> Have a nice weekend.
> After work I'm going to look for some elephants...
I hope you get something to eat first. ;^)

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