I am currently running Suse 10.x Linux with Freeradius 1.0.4-42., dailupAdmin 2.7, and apache2. I believe I have everything installed correctly as I can check my info.php page, phpmyadmin, and dialupadmin.
Freeradius also rejects my request so I know it is running and working.

Here is my issue I am having.; I am also very new the linux/sql/php world fyi. My tables currently under the Radius Database that I have created are as follows:


I added these tables via the phpMyadmin located in /srv/www/dialup_admin/sql All tables seem to work via the webgui in dialup admin. However, I am still getting errors on Statistics and Failed Users.
"Database query failed: Table 'radius.radacct' doesn't exit."

Also if I try to create a user or new group I get :

"Database query failed: Table 'radius.usergroup' doesn't exit."
"Database query failed: Table 'radius.radgroupcheck' doesn't exit."

I have tried looking for where I setup these tables and values with no luck. I read somewhere that there is a script for automatically generating these tables but I did not reference where the script was.

I have tried looking in the /var/log/radius/radacct but not files are in here. I'm assuming once it reads the table this is where the info logs are stored.

Do I need to generate another table for the rest of the tables ? If so what are the values needed for this .sql file. I have tried searching for any information on how to create these tables with little luck on how to create this table and values needed. I also could not find any how-tos on how to make these tables. It seems from everything I read that these files should already be there.

Thank you for your time to read this and help.
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