"raviprakash sunkara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is .
>  a)   radiusd.conf[1840] unknown Auth-Type "digest" in authenticate section=
> .

  Post the debug log, as suggested in the README, FAQ, INSTALL, and
many other places.

>  b)   radclient: Failed to send packet for ID 162: Unknown attribute
> "NAS-IP-Address"

  Your installation is broken.

>  c)   radtest test test 1812 radiustest
> Sending Access-Request of id 215 to port 1812
>         User-Name =3D "test"
>         User-Password =3D "test"
>         NAS-IP-Address =3D
> Re-sending Access-Request of id 215 to port 1812

  The server isn't listening on that IP & port.

  See the FAQ for how to debug problems like this.

  Alan DeKok.
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