
As a backend database to RADIUS I use MySQL. No I have a special problem:

I want to autorize a user for a specific service only if the user is member of 
a specific group, say "RAS_User". This configuration is nescessary because 
this database is used also for other authentication/autorization.

The documentation says, that the authcheck_table is beeing searched for the 
user and the reply items in the authrepl_table are returned for the user. I 
did not find any hint how to configure my freeradius that way, that the user 
is autorized to use the service only if he is member of a specific group. The 
groupcheck is only adds further attributes.

In the ldap module f.i. I can use the "groupmembership_filter".

Is there anything similar in the sql module? How can I configure freeradius or 
the sql module to test the group membership?

Thanks for any help.

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
MultiNET Services GmbH
Bretonischer Ring 7
85630 Grasbrunn

Tel: (+49 89) 456 911 - 0
Fax: (+49 89) 456 911 - 21
mob: (+49 174) 343 28 75

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Skype: misch42

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