Okay, since this isn't easy to piece together from the docs. (and no one has posted this on the mailing list that i've seen, and i've gotten a few emails on this as well)

here is how i got freeradius running good failover with 2 ldap servers.
hopefully those who know the system better than me will let me/us (the list) know if i've done something wrong here.

in the ldap section you'll have:
ldap ldap1 {
 server = <ip>
 identity = <>

 ldap ldap2 {
 <second server info>

then in the instantiate section put

then in authorize you'll have:

redundant {

and in authenticate you'll have:

 Auth-Type LDAP {
   redundant {

that is what worked for me.
now one thing to consider/think about. it appears whichever server is listed secondly (in instantiate, authorize, and authenticate, will be hit first) not sure why this is...and it may not be important
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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