If the radius server in debugging mode isn't showing any sort of access-request coming from the client, then the requests simply aren't reach the server. This could be due to firewalling, your client looking at the wrong host/port, or a variety of other things. I'd suggest using tcpdump to see if the packets sent from the client are even reaching the radius server.

tcpdump port 1812

If you see nothing when the client should be sending access-requests then you have a networking issue to solve.

Chris Carver
Network Engineer


I think I have my radius server configured properly (I followed the 
configuration advice in http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/8021X-HOWTO/).

I can get it running (using radiusd -X) and see all the expected output.

I have also configured my AP to point to the correct location, and it is 
pingable from the radius server.

However, when I try to connect, user validation always fails. And the radius 
server (which is in debug mode) doesn't show me anything. It's like nothing is 
connecting to it at all. I also tried to test it using NTRadPing, and his won't 
connect either.

Any help or suggestions here would be appreciated. I am running version 1.1.1 
of freeRADIUS.


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