Hello !
I have change the version of freeradius, before I had the 1.0.4 version and now the last CVS.
I have a problem with the proxy configuration ... so I have change some things for have a "result".

Like, before in the users file I rejected the request with an other realm, and at the end of the file I reject ...
For example, for netA before I had

DEFAULT Realm != "NetB", Realm != "NULL", Auth-type := Reject
DEFAULT                Auth-Type := Reject

And now I must comment this line for A proxy request at B.
When A proxy request at B, and B try to response at B ...
A "Received Unknown packet code 11from client port 1812: Cannot validate signature Dropping packet without response."

You know this error ?

Thanks for your help


Configuration For A

## In proxy.conf ##
realm netB {
        type            = radius
        authhost        = IPRadiusB:1812
        accthost        = IPRadiusB:1813
        secret          = secretAB

## In clients.conf ##
client IPRadiusB {
        secret          = secretAB
        shortname       = cric
        nastype         = other

/\/\/\ For B /\/\/\

## In proxy.conf ##
realm netA {
        type            = radius
        authhost        = IPRadiusA:1812
        accthost        = IPRadiusA:1813
        secret          = secretAB

## In clients.conf ##
client IPRadiusA {
        secret          = secretAB
        shortname       = cric
        nastype         = other

## And in the radiusd.conf ##
proxy_requests = yes
$INCLUDE ${confdir}/proxy.conf

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