Hey All,

Any body knows how to revoke the certificates?  what changes needs to be done in the freeradius eap.conf file.

Im trying to do in the way its given in the default config file:

Oopenssl command to revoke the ca-certificate:

openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile ./privatekey.pem  -cert  cacert.pem  revoke cacert.pem -out crl.pem

1. copied ca & crl to ./ directory( my ca & crl files are in current directory )
2. c_rehash ./

tls {
CA_file = ./cacert.pem
CA_path = ./
check_crl = yes

Still the server returns success for the user.

Any idea ? where am i missing the configuration?

Please reply me with your info.

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         But if u look at what u have in life, u have everything.....!!"

"If u look at what u dont have in life, u dont have anything

         But if u look at what u have in life, u have everything.....!!"

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