Sascha Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The users file for working peap-mschap-v2 looks this way:
> test Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password == "abc123"

  No, it doesn't.  If you did that, you didn't read the documentation.

  Don't set Auth-Type.  It's NOT necesary.

  And use := for User-Password, not ==.

> And I want it also to check for NAS-IP and NAS-Port. Doing local tests (non
> eap with radiusclient) this line works:
> test Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "abc123", NAS-IP-Address ==
>, NAS-Port == 20

  Once again, the same comments apply.

> it dosn't work. The output of radiusd -X is at the end of this mail.

  It doesn't work because of the previous comments.

  What you've done in your configuration is to force EAP-MSCHAP-v2 to
work, and then force clear-text passwords to work.  By doing that,
you've forced all OTHER authentication methods to not work.  Then, you
tested with PEAP, and it didn't work....

  Alan DeKok.

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