I have installed the latest Freeradius on a FreeBSD6.0 box.
The installations goes fine and I'm for the initial tests.
I start up the server with "radiusd -X" to get the initial debugging information.
The server starts up just fine and doesn't produce any warnings or errors.
Eventually it says "ready for prosessing"
In another window i do the "radtest test test localhost 0 testing123"
This is were the strage part comes in.
In the "debug" window i don't see anything.
In the command windows i get the response
"radclient: Xfailed to get value"
So, i dig a little deeper and fire up another window where fire up tcpdump.
When doing the ocmmand i will get the "radclient: ....." but no output from tcpdump nor from
the debug window.
This is where I'm stuck. Is this something related to FreeBSD 6.0?
Since the most people recommend doing small changes to configs and then
test connectivity in order to not break anything I haven't made any changes whatsoever
to my configs.
Well, that's about it.
Thanks in advance for any ideas,tips or pointers
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