I'm in the process of writing a RADIUS book, with everything I've
learned over the last 10 years working with RADIUS.  I'm wondering
who's interested. :)

  The goal is to have 200-300 pages of densely packed information.
The working title is "Deploying RADIUS: Practices and Principles".

  My main difficult is that I'm finding it hard to bootstap the book.
i.e. time/money.  I'm wondering who's interested in buying the book
(i.e. is there a market for it).  Having a known market means it's much easier 
for me to find the time to finish it

  I'm also wondering how many people are interested in buying
pre-prints, with additional rights not available to the average buyer.
(i.e. internal duplication, etc).

  This *is* a call for funding.  I've been putting a lot of work into
the server for many years now, and it just keeps getting bigger and
better.  With additional funding, I should be able to devote
significantly more time to developing those features and documentation
that everyone is interested in.

  Please respond privately with interest, if any.

  Alan DeKok.
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